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Stephanie holding tray of herbs and bottles
close up of woman in apron's hands tying a bunch of rosemary


joy, connection

and healing

Hi, I’m Stephanie, the Creator of Garden Therapy, where you will find hundreds of garden-related projects, crafts, and recipes to help you live a better life through plants.

I believe that anyone can feel immediate benefits
from spending a short while outdoors, digging in the earth, and connecting with all that gardening brings.

Gardening is my number one passion, and I have spent years mastering the craft of soil, plants, and Mother Earth. In my mission to spread better living through plants, I have trained to become a Master Gardener in British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon. While my garden lies in the Pacific Northwest, my readers come from all over the world.

Throughout my time as a gardener, I expanded my training by learning herbalism, permaculture design, natural skincare formulation, and soap making. You will find a ton of content on Garden Therapy exploring my unique skill set, from cold process soap recipes all the way to natural herbal remedies. I am also an award-winning author with 12 books and counting. I love hosting workshops and leading speaking events.

Stephanie Rose's books

Garden Therapy is for you whether you are a seasoned gardener or a brand-new sprout!

Each week, I share new gardening ideas, DIY projects, crafts, plant-based beauty, and recipes related to gardening, or you can check out our most popular projects. Hopefully, what you see will encourage you to dig in and get a little Garden Therapy of your own.

Why Garden Therapy?

On July 10, 2006, I got a headache.

That headache became an illness that lasted for almost 9 years.

Stephanie in the garden gathering herbs

The headache morphed into pain and paralysis accompanied by crippling fatigue. I spent the rest of that year in bed and much of the following year as well.

After a year-and-a-half of pain and sleeping my life away, I started to regain enough energy to make little steps. Simple tasks, like walking or holding a hairbrush, felt like momentous feats of strength. I had to learn to use my body again.

As the spring arrived in that third year, I ventured outside.

I couldn’t go far, so I looked to my own yard for activity. I decided to build a garden and rebuild my health at the same time. I borrowed books on gardening from the library and experimented in my yard, even for just 5 minutes each time. Gradually, I was hooked.

The following year, I ventured into vegetable gardening.

With more books from the library, some seed catalogues, and an empty backyard, I continued my education. After many years of backyard vegetable growing at least 100 different varieties, I was now an edible gardener as well. See the transformation of my backyard garden here

Since then, I’ve also got into canning, fermenting, sourdough cultures, cheese-making, soap-making as well. I ate food I had grown from seed, made all of my own beauty and cleaning products, and worked every day in an organic garden.

I would argue there isn’t a better recovery program in the world!

Stephanie's garden

I registered the domain and began to share the projects that I was working on in the garden.

Each time I showed one of my finished projects or a few flowers from the garden, I would get emails asking how I did it.


My articles, projects, and recipes on Garden Therapy still follow the idea of sharing my personal take on gardens and crafting from natural materials, but I work hard to share each step with photos so that others can recreate them.

My hope is that this website is a place where people who love plants can find joy, connection, and healing.

© Garden Therapy 2008-2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Garden Therapy with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

What’s Growing on YouTube

Garden projects, inspiration, and wellness for everyone,
no matter your ability, garden size, or how green your thumbs are!

YouTube video

When to Plant Dahlias

YouTube video

How to Make Lavender Oatmeal Melt and Pour Soap

YouTube video

Herbal Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse for Healthy Hair

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Natural skincare

made easy!

This FREE 5-day mini course will teach you the small changes you can make to your skincare practices that will make a HUGE difference in how you feel.

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your garden!

This FREE 5-day mini course will help you set up a thriving garden for wellness and joy, quickly and easily.

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Learn and Live
with Nature


Garden Therapy Online Courses