As I look out at the garden with its leaf litter and sad looking soil, I’m excited for the greens that will shoot up again soon. It’s time to plan the garden, start some seeds, think about improving the soil. While the work of the first few months of the gardening year isn’t bountiful, the muck that gets stuck to your boots is a sign of the good things to come.
It’s not the blooms or the harvest that I’m excited for. It’s not about what the garden produces for me, it about how I feel when I get to work in the garden. Sometimes just a little time to dig in a day is enough to lift the clouds, extend the sunlight, or warm up the air. It makes me forget my aches for a short while and fills me with energy.
Psst: this is a free printable for you! Yes, you are welcome to download it and print it for your wall, or save a copy to your mobile device to use as wallpaper. You will find all sorts of freebies and printables on Garden Therapy and there are plenty more to come.
Printable: More in a Garden Grows than what the Gardener Sows 8×10
Mobile Wallpaper: More in a Garden Grows than what the Gardener Sows 320×480
It’s time now to get growing, even if the garden is not ready. Buy some seeds, grab some soil, and start sowing. It’s time for your garden therapy to begin.
A great place to start is here: The Ultimate Seed Starting Guide. With information on starting seeds, homemade containers, outdoor and indoor sowing, you are sure to have a good start with this series of seed starting posts.
There are lots more printables and freebies to come, in addition to the hundreds of gardening projects, crafts, weekend DIYs, and even recipes.
thanks for share!
thank you for share!