If you grow Alpine Strawberries (also know as Fraises des Bois) you appreciate them for their powerful punch of flavor and easy-going plants that produce well in some shade. In colder areas where plants may not overwinter, sacrificing a few of these delicious berries for their seeds is a smart backup plan. It’s easy to save alpine strawberry seeds simply at home to get the fresh, wild, strawberry flavor from homegrown alpine strawberry plants.
Alpine strawberries will grow true from seeds which are simple to save. First, pick the best, ripest, largest berries from your plants.
Second, smoosh them on a paper towel with the variety written on it.
Third, let them dry somewhere warm. We use the top of the fridge. When dry, you can fold up the paper and stick it in an envelope for the winter. Next Spring, scrape off some seeds into some potting soil to germinate. It’s that easy!
will they grow true to type if you have several types of strawberries in the same area?