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10 Genius Gardening Tools That Will Change the Way You Garden Forever

Products are always being developed to speed up everyday tasks and automate processes. In the garden, we are often hoping to slow down and connect with nature, not speed it up and automate it. That’s not to say that there isn’t a place for innovation that can make the job of gardening more enjoyable! Particularly if it helps ease the strain of the activity so you can do it more or for a longer period. I have combed through some of the many products and tools that you can invest in, and these ten genius gardening tools will dramatically improve how you spend your time in the garden.

SPONSORED CONTENT: This post was sponsored by A.M. Leonard’s Gardener’s Edge, who also provided me with products to review. All of the opinions that are shared in this post are my own. See the full disclosure policy here.

Be sure not to miss the giveaway at the end of this post as well. A.M. Leonard’s Gardener’s Edge has also generously provided a prize pack for one of our lucky readers! 

I was first introduced to A.M. Leonard’s Gardener’s Edge last May when I attended the Garden2Grow event at P. Allen Smith’s Moss Mountain Farm. A.M. Leonard is a family business started in 1885 that is dedicated to doing business “the old fashioned way,” meaning a focus on innovation, customer service, and product quality for horticultural tools. In 2005, Gardener’s Edge was created to bring the same innovation, service, and quality to home gardeners. At the event, the team from Gardener’s Edge showcased some brilliant products that change the way people garden. I was blown away.

Too many gardeners have to give up on gardening or start to see it as a chore because of physical or time limitations. I know how disheartening it can be to want to do a task and not be able to. Here are some of my favorite Gardener’s Edge tools that not only make gardening easier, but are pretty darn stylish too.

Ten Genius Gardening Tools

Leonard Deluxe Stainless Steel Soil Knife

I don’t even want to tell you about the Leonard Deluxe Stainless Steel Soil Knife; I just want you to try it. Because that first few seconds that you put the soil knife into the ground to dig up some feisty root, you realize that it’s a miracle tool. I have been trying to dig up a clump of clover that settled into one of my vegetable beds for a few seasons. I would tackle it with a trowel and pruners, but I just wasn’t making any headway. The bed is raised up and narrow so I was struggling to get the roots out. Then, I tried the soil knife, and it was like taking candy from a baby.

Use it to divide plants, plant bulbs, flowers and herbs, dig out weeds, remove rocks, cut through roots, plant in pots, clean out cracks, cut twine and ties, and for so much more. If you are only going to get one new tool this year, get this soil knife. I can’t wait for all of the thank-you cards to roll in!

Gardener’s Hollow Leg®

This clever creation is like having a caddy for your garden. The Gardener’s Hollow Leg® is a fabric bin that attaches to your waist and allows you to fill it as you go. Not only that, but you can also attach a pruning holster to the belt and your hands will always be free. It has a handy pocket to keep your cell phone, a pruning saw, or anything else you want to keep handy. Imagine how much easier it will be to do spring clean up with this little helper right by your side!

Leonard GardenGlide™ Transportation Tote

Have you ever needed to move a bunch of rocks or a heavy pot to a different part of the garden and then sat there trying to figure out if you should a) find someone to help or b) lift the heavy thing in question and undoubtedly hurt your back? GardenGlide™ to the rescue! This garden sled allows you to roll or drag heavy stuff onto it and then pull it to the new spot.

With a low design, it makes it easy to roll on heavy objects for transport, while a raised back prevents materials from falling off. Transport bagged goods (soil, mulch, concrete, sand, etc.), firewood, container plants, paving stones and more. Your back and your strong garden helper will thank you!

Leonard Tri-Edge Folding Pruning Saw

Having trees in the garden means having to saw off limbs. In my garden, this seems to be a pretty regular occurrence. More often than not, my dull saw just gets stuck in the branch, preventing me from being able to saw it like I should. The shape of the curved folding saw in combination with its tri-edge teeth allows me to cut through those branches like butter. The trees are happier for a clean cut and it’s a whole lot easier for me. The Leonard Tri-Edge Folding Pruning Saw has a lifetime warranty so you know that you will be able to depend on it for years to come.

Bulb Bopper® Bulb Planter

Remember bulb planting season? I, for one, spent at least a few good afternoons digging holes and plopping in bulbs one by one. I have always wanted to plant a bunch of crocuses in the city property lawn but the thought of fighting the hard turf was not at all appealing. Enter the Bulb Bopper® Bulb Planter. This savvy tool fits onto your electric drill and makes quick work of bulb planting. It’s so much fun to do that you may even fight with your spouse over who gets to plant bulbs this year!

Root Assassin Shovel and Saw

The Root Assassin Shovel and Saw is the aptly named big cousin of the soil knife. If you have ever tried to transplant or remove a large root ball from the soil, you know the pain of chipping away at it with a variety of tools. The Root Assassin features an aggressive saw edge on both sides of the blade with a specially designed narrow nose that allows it to penetrate the ground and cut through roots all at the same time. It’s ideal for digging in compact soil that is overrun with roots, separating perennials, digging trenches and more.

Pickup Wizard

I heard gardeners complain ALL THE TIME about the mess that fruit and nut trees leave in the garden. Both ornamental and edible trees will make a mess of whatever you couldn’t harvest, and that mess usually ends up needing to be picked up by hand. Just roll the Pickup Wizard over nuts, fruits, or other objects lying on the ground and the spring wire head traps them inside the wire cage. When it’s full, simply spread the wire and the captured items fall right out. There are two sizes available so you can choose the one that fits your needs.

TubTrugs Versatile Containers

I bought a whole set of rubber tubs a few years ago and as much as I love how handy they are, they all have broken handles now. These TubTrugs are much sturdier! They are tough enough to carry a load of bricks, yet pliable enough to pour liquids from. I have used them for just about every garden task imaginable, like mixing soil, dividing perennials, pond cleaning, pruning, and much more. I have even turned them into an outdoor swimming pool for my son and dog, just not at the same time!

Cuttings Tubes Set

It’s easy to start plants from cuttings but it’s never looked this good! I keep my Cuttings Tubes Set on the windowsill of my office so I can quickly add cuttings from plants I have come across in my travels. Whether it is from friends’ plants or a garden tour, I no longer have a messy bunch of mismatched jars to hold cuttings. These are the perfect size to root and then transplant cuttings. I love that you can clearly see the roots’ health and know when it’s time to move them to into the soil.

Active Eye Universal Mobile Phone Microscope

I can’t count the number of times I have sat in the garden looking at an insect or spot on a leaf trying to figure out what the heck it is. Neither reading glasses nor a magnifying glass can give you enough detail, so I was thrilled to find the Active Eye Universal Mobile Phone Microscope which attaches onto my phone. I can snap a photo of the culprit, then upload it to google images to search for a match. Identification has never been easier.

Giveaway Time!

A.M. Leonard’s Gardener’s Edge clearly has plenty of genius gardening tools and one lucky reader will win two of these items: a large TubTrug and GardenGlide™ combo ($68.98 value). This contest is now CLOSED. Congratulations to the winner, BONNIE Williams!


  1. I’d love a garden glide! Hurt my rotator cuff a few years back moving a $10, no, make that a $30,000, wooden box LOL. The glide would be a big help!!

  2. Now I can buy a nut tree. Such a simple idea it (the pickup wizard) could just make it worth growing hazelnuts without turning the lawn mower into a nut butter machine…

    Thanks for the great article!

  3. Thanks a lot for another great information. I am inspired by your work and got some great ideas. Thanks and keep sharing :)

  4. Hi,

    Do you know where in Canada ( Nova Scotia ) I can buy one of the Leonard GardenGlide™ Transportation Tote?


  5. I love the Cuttings Tube Set but cannot locate at Leonard’s gardeners Supply. Is there any other source you can provide? Tyna


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