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Get Creative Anytime, Anywhere.

Ready to get creative? As you know, Garden Therapy is filled with creative ideas for playing in the garden. But, creativity doesn’t always come so easily.

Busy schedules, dreary weather, and just plain old exhaustion can stifle creativity. The best remedy if you are feeling a bit low is to get creative and make something.

Unfortunately, it isn’t always possible. You could have physical limitations or another reason that you can’t get outside to dig in the dirt and make something beautiful. Or maybe you just don’t want to go out. I get it. Believe me, I have been there. I have had plenty of days where my body fought me tooth and nail to stay in bed. But, that can get old pretty darn fast.

For those days, I created the Garden Therapy Coloring Book. It’s a way to get creative and, hopefully, give you the lift that you need. Garden Therapy Coloring Book PDF for download

You can read more about the Garden Therapy Coloring Book here and preview some of the pages.

For a limited time the Garden Therapy Coloring Book is part of the Creativity package of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. The bundle has 106 products (including 21 eCourses, 50 eBooks, 14 printables and more) that you get bundled together for only one week each year. This year it is APRIL 26-MAY 1, 2017.

The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2017

There are a lot of different resources, and I found some gems in each section. But, I really loved the Creativity books.

Creativity Bundle

There are also resources on Intentional Living, Self-Care, Work+ Life Balance, Organizing and Systems, and even Marriage and Motherhood.

Intentional Living Bundle

Self Care Bundle

Work + Life Balance Bundle

I really love the team that puts these bundles together, so I’m thrilled to have one of my books included. These bundles never last that long, so get it before the timer runs out!

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