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Halloween Miniature Garden

What better time than Halloween is there to be creative in the garden? I decided to take a stab at my very first miniature garden design to celebrate the spookiest eve with skeletons, tombstones, and (of course) a miniature pumpkin patch!Halloween fairy garden


I’ve been wanting to try mini gardening ever since I read Janit Calvo’s amazing book Gardening in Miniature. I am lucky enough to call Janit a friend, so after she wrote this fantastic tutorial on how to make a miniature garden patio for Garden Therapy, she also sent me a Halloween mini garden kit containing skeletons, pumpkins, tombstones, gravel, and even straw!Halloween Miniature Garden Kit

Here is how my miniature Halloween garden turned out.

Halloween container garden

From afar, it seems to be a very tame planter with some evergreens and groundcovers in a decorative terracotta pot.

Now look a bit closer…

Halloween Mini Garden: a closer look

And closer…Halloween Mini Garden graveyard

Boo!Halloween Mini Garden skeleton close up

Who let the skeletons out? Who! Who-who-who!

The skeletons are escaping from their graves up on a hill shadowed by a blue star juniper and a small cedar tree.Halloween Mini Garden pumpkin patch and graveyard

Just down the hill, there is a dry river bed that separates the pumpkin patch made from Ajuga “Black Scallop” and miniature pumpkins from the kit.

Halloween Mini Garden Pumpkin Patch

Beyond that, there is a blue star Pratia pedunculata ‘County Park’ groundcover and a cobwebby Sempervivum arachnoideum.Halloween Mini Garden cobwebs and groundcover

All of the plants in this miniature garden will continue to grow and fill in the space and I can replace the pumpkins, tombstones, and skeletons with other seasonal planting when Halloween is over. It should be noted, however, that none of the plants I used are truly miniature plants.

A Halloween miniature garden complete with a tiny graveyard and mini pumpkin patch

I hope to make a proper miniature garden in the future with miniature plants that will make the Miniature Gardening Guru proud! Check out how a pro really does up a mini garden for Halloween here:

Decorating Fun in the Miniature Garden 


  1. Wow! You have incredible mini garden! You have amazing taste and sense of style! I also want to start making these so called miniature gardens and you gave me great ideas! Thanks!

  2. Thank you for your kind comments about my miniature garden design, Emma! It was a lot of fun making a Halloween themed project to decorate the garden. The pumpkin patch with Ajuga “Black Scallop” was my favourite part, although I like the skeletons as well. I hope you make one soon!

  3. Pingback: It’s a Miniature Garden and Fairy Garden Round-Up! | The Mini Garden Guru - Your Miniature Garden Source
  4. This turned out so cute!! I made my first miniature garden back in the spring and just really enjoyed it. I used plants that were minis but they turned out big. That’s the fun of gardening though, sometimes you just never know. I would love to make one for every season!


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