If you have a dog, you may have the displeasure of caching Spot digging up a nice chunk of your yard. Yet, if you look beyond your perfect turf being uprooted or seeing your dahlias demolished as dirt flies everywhere, you may see joy.
Puppy-like enthusiasm for making holes must unearth bits of happiness because you can clearly see a toothy smile spreading across the mouth of your proud pooch. And, frankly, I can’t blame him. I feel the same way as soon as I have a trowel in one hand and muck on my boots.
I remember when my old boxer was too ill to even stand. He had problems with his spine that made his back legs wobbly and he could no longer walk very well. He did, however, find a nice patch of dirt in the yard to lie in and dig. He didn’t have a big gin on his face. He didn’t have the vigor he once did. But he kept clawing the dirt the best he could as if it was his duty as a dog. I still saw joy in him to the very last moment.
You may not have the simple life of a dog, but if you’re tired of the gloomy weather or daily stresses, then why not try to find a way to bury some of your troubles by digging in the dirt. Because life is too short to always have clean fingernails (or claws).
PS: This is yet another free printable for you. We have lots here on Garden Therapy. Check them all out here: Freebies and Printables.
Please feel free to print this reminder off to put up on your wall, or save to your phone as wallpaper. Here ya go!