Using elements from the garden as part of my natural beauty routine is one of my favorite reasons to garden. I have shared many recipes in the Natural Skincare Series on everything from bath bombs to soap-making and I use all of these products each and every day at home. I’m always thrilled to find another garden-lover who can turn fresh herbs and petals into healing salves and soaks, so I was delighted to receive a copy of Sue Goetz’s book, The Herb Lover’s Spa Book: Create a Luxury Spa Experience at Home with Fragrant Herbs from Your Garden. I flipped open the pages to see a number of recipes I had yet to try, like her four steps for an herb garden facial. Sue joins us today to share her series of facial recipes from the book. Aren’t we lucky?
Here is your personal prescription for beautiful skin. A facial forces you to slow down, no multitasking, just time to sit back and relax.
Simple ingredients from the garden and kitchen cabinet are all you need to create the luxury of this ultra-nourishing spa treatment. Exfoliate, mask, tone, moisturize, this 4-part treatment will give skin well-deserved extra attention. The recipes and herbs are for normal skin. Make the toner and cream ahead of time, then gather all the ingredients, utensils for mixing, soft towels and wash cloths. Find your quiet space, with seating, music, and aromatherapy candles.
Step One: Exfoliate
This removes dead skin cells and toxins from the surface of the skin. Be very gentle and take it slow. Use calming circular motions, avoiding the eyes.
Sugar Scrub Recipe
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil
Mix well into a paste and use immediately. Rinse face well after use and pat gently with a towel to dry.
Step Two: Mask
This healing herbal mix makes a nourishing, gooey paste that infuses all the healing powers of herbs on your skin.
Herbal Mask
1/4 cup whole oats
1/4 cup dried calendula petals
1 tablespoon dried roman chamomile
1 tablespoon dried rosemary leaves
Plain yogurt or avocado
Mix dry ingredients well and grind into a powder. This mix can be stored for later use as the herbal base to a fresh mask.
To use: add 1 tablespoon of herb and oat mix to 1 tablespoon warmed plain yogurt or smashed avocado. Stir to mix well, adjust the amount of ingredients to achieve a nice spreadable consistency. Apply to face and relax for about 20 minutes. The mask will begin to tighten and dry as it draws out toxins. Rinse well and pat dry.
Step Three: Tone
After the herbal mask, splash on this toner to finish the cleanse and tighten pores. Use 100% cotton balls soaked in the toner to generously wipe face and neck.
Chamomile Finishing Toner Recipe
2 cups distilled water
1/4 cup organic apple cider vinegar or witch hazel extract (if the smell of vinegar is bothersome)
1/2 cup dried chamomile flowers
Warm the water (do not boil) and add the chamomile flowers. Remove from heat and allow to steep for 15 minutes. Add vinegar, mix well. Filter out the remnant herbs and discard. Store toner in a sterilized glass jar. The toner will store up to six months.
Step Four: Moisturize
Finish your facial with this light, simple cream that won’t clog pores. Your skin will glow and feel pampered and nourished.
Rosewater Cream Recipe
2 tablespoons sweet almond oil
3/4 tablespoon grated beeswax
1 tablespoon rosewater (purchased or homemade)
Combine beeswax and oil. Heat just until beeswax melts. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Stir in the rosewater and make sure ingredients are mixed well. Store in a glass bottle.
For more spa recipes for the herb lover, go grab a copy of Sue’s book here:
Thankyou so much for kindly sharing your lovely recipes! I’m a newbie at this and I’m just gathering all info and items to start taking care of myself naturally:) I am like you and solely doing this for myself and as gifts for family and friends. Again I really love your very beautiful site you’ve done.
Garden lover,
Sue D
I would like to know where to buy my essential oils. Do you have recommendations on good quality yet not over the top prices?
Hi RENEE, I really like Plant Therapy available on Amazon:
Thank you for always sharing your recipes for self-care – appreciate them very, very much.
Curious about how often it is safe to do the above regime (or any regime) on one’s face?
Great question! It’s fine to do it daily and see how you react, but in reality, many of us only have the time to do a face routine like this once a week. That would still make a big difference in how your skin feels.
Hello Stephanie,
Do you have a source for the dried petals used in your face mask,toner and cream… that I can purchase?
and where to purchase sweet almond oil and witch hazel….
I am new to using essential oils and making all natural beauty and healthcare products…
Thank You,
Hi Debbie, Yes, I have a good resource page here: and also some more face recipes with links to where to buy everything here:
The rose water cream does not work. The rose water does not mix the almond oil and beewax. The mixgure hardens because of the beewax but the rosewater stays liquid in the jar.
Hi Maria, creams are tricky because naturally oil and water don’t want to mix need to be whipped long enough so that they combine. It takes a while using beeswax as it is not a true emulsifier despite being used for many years to bond water and oil. There are recipes with less common ingredients that make a lovey rose face cream which I have shared here: