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Seashell Beeswax Tea Lights

Beach lovers will enjoy these delightful beeswax seashell candles, which look right at home in a glass terrarium filled with sand. I live near the ocean and like to collect shells whenever I visit the beach so I have plenty just waiting to be crafted into something special. Seashell beeswax tea lights are a wonderful way to create mementos of special trips to the beach or vacations by the ocean.

Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights

If you don’t have a collection of found seashells and don’t live near the ocean, you can buy them at your local craft store inexpensively.Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights


  • Clam or oyster shells, deep enough to hold some wax, similar size to a tea light
  • A double boiler
  • Beeswax
  • Waxed and wired tea light wicks with tabs
  • Decorative sand and small seashells
  • Glass bowl
  • Tray

Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights

Make it!

1. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler. Keep a close watch on it so that it can be poured as soon as it’s completely liquid. Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights

2. Prepare the seashells by washing them thoroughly and setting them as you want to fill them in a tray filled with sand. The sand will help to keep the shells in place while the wax is poured and sets.Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights

3. Carefully pour wax into the shells, making sure that they stay level and wax doesn’t pour over the edges.

4. Place a wick in the center of each one. The wicks are short and should easily stay in place.

Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights

5. Let the seashell tea lights cool and cure for 24 hours undisturbed.

Beeswax Seashell Tea LightsWhen they are ready, make candle terrariums by filling the glass bowl with decorative sand and shells and setting the tea lights inside.Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights

You could also experiment with colored sand. I personally like the natural look of my white-sand terrariums, but I can see how a little pop of color could add some fun to this display as well. Pastel blues, purples, greens, and pinks might make these terrariums feel more mermaidy.Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights

Try scattering some single seashell tea lights around the terrariums, along with different types of shells (the big spherical one pictured here is an urchin shell), sea glass, and other beachy bits and pieces. One or two air plants growing in seashells would also look great in this display.
 Beeswax Seashell Tea Lights
You might like these Beach Glass Solar Lights for different ocean-inspired decor that glows, or try bringing the ocean to your garden by creating a beach-themed garden design.


  1. Pingback: The Buzz on Bees | Sensible Gardening and Living
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