Ugh, it’s cold and flu season again. Which means I’m busy making all sorts of herbal home remedies to keep me and my family as healthy as possible. Whether you are already sick or are simply trying to keep your immunity strong, Echinacea is your best friend right now. It can be hard to know exactly how to prepare and take Echinacea for health, but this Echinacea Root and Flower Tincture is simple to prepare and use.
Whether you have been growing Echinacea in your garden or have seen that unmistakable purple coneflower on the bottle of every cold and flu remedy on the shelf, you may have been wondering how exactly to take Echinacea as an herb. I know I wondered that myself.
I have been to multiple herbal medicine talks that have Echinacea at the top of the list for helping folks cope with cold and flu season, whether it is to help with the symptoms when you are sick or to keep viruses from setting up camp in your body in the first place. Echinacea is said to be a powerful immune-system herb without known side effects and is considered safe for children. No wonder it’s so darn popular!
I grow a ton of Echinacea varieties in my garden as it is one of my absolute favorite garden perennials. I recently wrote an All About Echinacea growing and care guide and showed off a ton of coneflower eye candy. This year I harvested and dried a bunch of flowers to stock up for the coming winter and get ready to learn some more on how to use it.
Then I got an advance copy of Healing Herbal Infusions: Simple and Effective Remedies for Colds, Muscle Pain, Upset Stomach, Stress, Skin Issues, and More from Colleen Codekas and I was thrilled to see two recipes that make Echinacea super simple to prepare and take.
Healing Herbal Infusions is full of easy-to-follow instructions and beautiful photography for natural plant-based remedies. Making infusions can feel a bit daunting when you are first beginning, but this book shows you how easy it is to do at home. The recipes have a wide variety of techniques and herbal ingredients, so after you have tried them you will be off and running with your own creations in no time. Colleen has joined us today to share her Echinacea Root and Flower Tincture recipe, and even has a special offer for readers at the end of this post!
Echinacea Root and Flower Tincture
by Colleen Codekas
Almost everyone these days has heard of Echinacea, as it has become a rather popular herbal remedy.
Echinacea is excellent for boosting the immune system, and it has been proven to shorten the duration
of colds and flus. It’s also a gorgeous flower to grow in your garden that serves double duty: beauty in
your yard and wellness in your home. This tincture is simple to make, and it uses both the root and the
flower, making it even more beneficial!
Yield: about 1½ cups (360 ml)
½ cup (40 g) dried Echinacea root
½ cup (20 g) dried whole Echinacea flowers and/or leaves
1½ cups (360 ml) neutral spirits, such as vodka
Combine the Echinacea root, flowers, and spirits in a pint-size (473-ml) jar. Cover the jar with a lid and
shake to mix well. Put the jar in a cool and dark place to infuse for 4 to 6 weeks. When ready to use,
strain out the herbs using a fine-mesh sieve. Store the tincture in small bottles with droppers for easy
Take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 2 to 3 times per day at the first sign of a cold or flu for the most benefit. It can be
taken straight or mixed into water or tea if you prefer.
For children and those wishing to avoid alcohol, use Elderberry & Echinacea Glycerite for Colds & Flus
(find this on page 186 of Healing Herbal Infusions), or you can make this same tincture with vegetable glycerine instead of the neutral spirits.
Tip: it’s okay if you don’t have the Echinacea flowers or leaves to add to this recipe. The root is very
medicinal on its own and is easy to locate in most places that carry dried herbs.
Reprinted with permission from Healing Herbal Infusions: Simple and Effective Remedies for Colds, Muscle Pain, Upset Stomach, Stress, Skin Issues, and More by Colleen Codekas, Page Street Publishing Co. 2018.
Healing Herbal Infusions contains 74 more homemade treatments, so this is just the beginning. It will be my go-to resource to support my entire family’s wellness the all-natural way.
Healing Herbal infusions is now available for preorder as the release date is Oct 23rd. If you act fast and grab a copy before the release, Colleen will send you five bonus recipes: Sage Ginger & Honey Sore Throat & Cough Syrup, Warming Conifer Needle & Cinnamon Balm, Relax & Restore Tea, Nettle & Rosemary Vinegar Hair Rinse, and Rose Hip, Orange, & Cinnamon Bitters. If you pre-order to book, then please head over here and fill out the form to get your bonuses.
About the Author
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I am wondering if I can add pure honey to this tincture and make it into an elixir
Hi Amber, I can’t see why not, although I would think you would just need to be careful of the dose you consume. If you want to make a syrup, Colleen has another recipe in her book on how to make echinacea and elderberry glycerite as well.
Can you recommend a site I can order dried echinacea root and dried echinacea flowers to make this ticture?
yes! or here:
Not sure why everyone recommends Mountain Rose Herbs – is all organic, and 90% or more of everything they carry is grown in Hawaii – not some foreign country and definitely not in the heavily polluted China. PLUS they are cheaper than most all o f the places I researched. I love them!
Would you use the whole flower or just the petals ?
If you go with the lunar cycle (start the tincture on the new moon (no moon) and decant on the full moon (appr 2 weeks), you get more energy in the tincture without having to take 6 weeks to do it! Check it out – it’s all about the same energy that “powers” the ocean waves! Definitely nice to get it done really well in 2 weeks since I am an impatient gal.