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Hardy Fall Bulbs to Plant For Long-Lasting Spring Color

I often find myself wandering around my garden in spring, immensely enjoying the brightly colored blooms popping up everywhere, many times, even through snow covered frosty ground. It’s during those times that I reap the benefit of taking the time the previous year to plant hardy fall bulbs that chill out for the winter and delight in the spring.

Hardy Fall Bulbs to Plant for Long-Lasting Spring Colour

Bulbs are identified by the season they are planted, not that in which they grow, so with hardy fall bulbs, it is important to think ahead to what the garden will look like in future seasons and find the right space, color, height and number to create the design you desire.


The butterfly of flowers, the tulip is decorative and delicate, with as much variety in appearance as the gardeners who plant them. Small or tall, early or late blooming, ruffled or smooth, multicolored or striped, the tulip is the perfect show piece for almost any garden. The hardest thing about growing tulips is how to choose which ones. Check out these other posts on how to plant tulips and take a virtual tour of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival.Tour a tulip festival


One of the first fall bulbs braving the frozen soil, the crocus offers a taste of what’s to come while still covered in winter’s frost. Generally crocuses range the charts of purple and yellows, but blues, whites, and oranges can also be found. The shortys are best in the front of flower beds, but I absolutely love crocuses livening up the ground under a deciduous (as they bloom before the leaves grow), or wildly dotted through a green lawn.


Bearing the same name as the Greek God who fell in love with his own reflection, the Narcissus is a true symbol of beauty. Many may be familiar with the standard yellow Daffodil (a common English name), but the genus also includes a variety of 50 to 100 frilly gems in yellow, white, orange, and everything in-between.



Alliums are in the same family as the onion, yet the decorative varieties don’t have edible bulbs. What they do have is have is fascinating blooms with structures that decorate the garden long after the flower has faded. While there are over 750 species, some are wild, some are edible, and a few are absolute showstoppers in a garden. Read more All About Alliums.


If you fondly remember picking buttercups at as child, you’ll adore the grown up version, Anemones, meaning “daughter of the wind” in Greek. These delicate low-growing blooms will surely perk up the front border with rich color and what seems to be an all-knowing eye dramatically darkening the center.

But wait! There are more bulbs to love!



  1. I love tulips, and am always so happy when they’re out. I forgot all about my fall bulbs – thank you for the reminder! I know… How do you forget your fall bulbs, right? =-O

  2. How beautiful these all are! I’m pretty new to the gardening world, and also have a new house to start fresh with! Where do I buy bulbs (I live in Augusta, Ga)? And will bulbs be able to make it in Georgia red clay? Thank you!

  3. Pingback: Blooming Bulbs | Sensible Gardening and Living
  4. DANIELLE: I live in WV, also a land of clay, but mine is yellow. I started from scratch with flower gardens as well, and I find with all plants/bulbs that adding amendment to the clay gives you a much better plant and they multiply better. Depending on your growing zone, you may be able to plant any variety of tulip. Here in Zone 6, I look for perennial tulips. After your bulb flowers are spent, be sure to leave all the green intact until it dries and turns yellow. Bulbs take in energy through the stems and leaves and will multiply and stay healthier if you leave them until dry.

  5. Pingback: DIY Gardening #1327

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